Person and Simulation – From Soul to Consciousness

How can consciousness develop in the brain? Is there such a thing as the seat of the soul? This philosophical puzzle of consciousness has returned to center stage, thanks to recent advances in brain research. This film pursues the question of how the search for the soul has been transformed into the search for the neurobiological foundations of conscious experience. A high-quality selection of famous philosophers and brain researchers were asked if they believe that there is actually something like a soul and how one can conceive of the development of consciousness within the brain. Among those interviewed are famous consciousness philosophers as Daniel Dennett, John Searle, Paul and Patricia Churchland, and Ned Block, as well as brain researchers like the Bremen Professor Hans Flohr, Rodolfo Llinás, and Nobel Prize winner Francis Crick.

Person and Simulation – From Soul to Consciousness

Dokumentary film, 45 min., WDR 1996

director and screenwriter: A. Krug-Metzinger
co-author: Prof. Dr. Thomas Metzinger
camera: Thomas Giefer
sound: Rolf Skukies
editing: Karsten Hoffmann
television editor:: Ulrich Boehm

BetacamSP | 4:3